This video offers first-time filmmakers guidance on going into production. The video explores the basics of equipment, framing, lighting and colour. The video also covers how you don’t need to have lots of money and resources to make a great film. This video series was produced for young people producing short films with Balik Arts. The videos are accompanied by face-to-face mentoring session with Independent Film Trust CEO, Charlotte Knowles
Shooting on a mobile phone: “Tangerine”, (Rated 15) a feature film by Sean Baker, was shot entirely on an iPhone. This film really shows how you don’t need lots of equipment to make a great film that can have major international success:
For more intonation on framing and composition, check out these links here:,to%20convey%20an%20intended%20message.
For more information on key lighting techniques, check out these links: /
For more information on film colour and psychology, check out these links:,with%20joy%2C%20naivety%20and%20insanity.