Tina, a troubled teenage girl, is attracted to Dana, an Afghani girl, whom Tina tells us is oppressively victimised by her substance abusing father, Karim. Initially, we trust Tina and admire her protectiveness of Dana from the kids at school and on the violent estate, but as we watch their friendship blossom we come to suspect that something is off
Toby Fell-Holden
Toby Fell-Holden
Ali Mansuri, Tom Kimberley
Principal Cast: Charlotte Beaumont, Genevieve Dunne, Ümit Ülgen
Crystal Bear for Best Short Film, 66 Berlinale, Generation 14plus
British Independent Film Awards Nomination, Best British Short Film
BFI London Film Festival, Official Selection (UK Premiere)
Official Site: http://www.balconyshortfilm.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/balconyshort
Genre: Drama
U.K. Release Date: October 15, 2015 (BFI London Film Festival Premiere)
Running Time: 17 minutes
Executive Producers: Vaughan Sivell, Franki Goodwin, Mike Rattenbury, Andrew Thomas